Featured Offers
At the Meritage Collection

Meritage Collection
Why Book Direct
Booking directly gives you access to the lowest rates available. In addition low rates, there are a number of benefits that not only enhance your experience, but also save you money.

Meritage Collection
Hospitality & Health Promise
Your getaway will look a little different, but one thing that will always remain is the joy of being away and taking that time to reconnect. To welcome a worry-free stay, we want to share our Hospitality & Health Promise.

Meritage Collection
Special Offers
From last minute savings, to one-of-a-kind experiences in some of the most sought-after destinations, see why guests rave about the Meritage Collection

Stay Golden Blog
Stay Inspired
Read the stories of our sprawling resort destinations that are surrounded by the natural beauty of beaches, vineyards and gardens throughout California and Hawaii.